At government meeting K.Massimov debriefs Minister of Internal Affairs and Akim of Almaty

"Debriefed K.Kassymov and B.Baibek on the situation in Almaty," K.Massimov wrote.
The Minister of Internal Affairs K.Kassymov reported on the course of tragic events and informed the Prime Minister about the measures taken to ensure security in the city.
"On this fact was initiated s criminal case, was established an operational and investigation group involving employees of Department of Internal Affairs, the National Security Committee and the General Prosecutor's Office, appointed all the necessary commission expert assessments. We have taken measures to assist families of the deceased, everything that is required in accordance with the law will be paid, and the city administration takes appropriate measures," K.Kassymov said.
In turn Akim of Almaty Bauyrzhan Baibek reported on the support measures to the families of the deceased and injured, Kazinform refers to
"Today by mass texting we informed people about the yellow level of terrorist security. All shops and public facilities operate in regular mode and are under tight security, the situation returned to normal, everything is under control. By order of the Head of State there was adopted akimat's regulation, from the local budget relatives of each victim to get financial aid amounting 15 million tenge, and every injured to get 5 million tenge," B.Baibek said.
K.Massimov charged the Ministry of Internal Affairs to take additional measures to ensure security of the population and public order in Almaty, as well as to ensure public and state security in all the regions of the country. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Almaty akimat were commissioned to render assistance to the families of the victims.
Besides, the Head of the Government assigned the Akimat and the Ministry of Health and Social Development to provide all required medical and other assistance to the wounded. The Almaty akimat will have to conduct an analysis and elaborate a package of additional measures to resolve urgent social problems in the city and concentrate its efforts on combat unemployment, on the problems in youth and religious spheres, small and medium businesses, countering extremism, as well as crimes in migration policy.
Recall, yesterday a terrorist act took place in Almaty. It was an assault to a building of Almaly district police office and National security Committee Department. As a result six people were killed, four of them were police officers. Red level of terrorist threat was declared in Almaty. The attacker was detained, it appeared to be Ruslan Kulikbaev, previously convicted, a native of Kyzylorda region. The Minister of Internal Affairs declared that was initiated a criminal case on four articles: "Terrorism", "Murder", "Attack on public facilities" and "Use of violence against the public authorities".