15:55, 14 January 2020 | GMT +5
Atyrau mayor announces his resignation
ATYRAU. KAZINFORM – Mayor of Atyrau city Alimukhammed Kuttymuratuly has announced he’s stepping down from his post via Facebook, Kazinform reports.

In the Facebook post Atyrau mayor revealed that he was stepping down from the post on Tuesday.
«I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support. Without you many positive changes would not have been possible. I am truly grateful for your responsiveness, kindness. I’ve always taken into account your best interests in everything I did as the mayor,» the post reads.
In conclusion, Alimukhammed Kuttymuratuly wished Atyrau city prosperity and to the residents of the city success and achievements.
He was appointed to the post in June 2018.