14:39, 24 November 2018 | GMT +5
Atyrau to build five new sports grounds
ATYRAU. KAZINFORM Sponsors will build five new playgrounds in Atyrau regions, Kazinform reports.

Construction of one of the athletic fields has already been completed. It contains a football pitch, workout exercise machines and a children's playground in the territory of the Kuznetsov field. Kuznetsov pitch is one of the first football pitches built in Atyrau city.
The second playground backed by sponsors has been installed in Almagul building estate. Other three sports grounds will be built in Akkistau, Dossor and Mukur rural settlements.
Mid-last-century Vassiliy Kuznetsov, a worker of the Guriyev oil refinery, cleared the ground outside his house to organize friendly matches for young people living nearby.