12:36, 11 November 2018 | GMT +5
Average monthly salary rises by 3.1% in Oct 18
ASTANA. KAZINFORM Average monthly salary in Kazakhstan in July-September 2018 made 161,783 tenge and in nominal terms its amount increased by 9.3% against Q3 2017; in real terms this amount rose by 3.1%, Kazinform correspondent reports citing the Statistics Committee.

Financial and insurance sector employees were paid the highest salary in October - 317,400 tenge (twofold higher against the country level). Research and technology sector workers were paid 290,200 tenge (up by 1.8 times). In industrial sector the average salary made 232,200 tenge (up by 1.4 times). The lowest nominal salary was registered in agricultural sector, forestry and fishery industries - 106,400 tenge that is 34.2% lower against the average country level.
Atyrau region turned out to pay the highest nominal salary last month - 310,600 tenge that is 1.9 times higher against the average country level.
In Turkestan region the highest salary made 98,800 tenge (38.9% less than the average country level).