B.Sagintayev holds teleconference on preparation for upcoming heating season

Preparation of facilities for the heating season 2016/2017 has been carried out according to schedules agreed with the utilities. 2 power units, 16 boilers and 12 turbines were repaired. 5 power units, 5 boilers and 21 turbines are under repair. Readiness of heating networks is 54%, electricity - 55%, education facilities - 65%, health care - 64, residential buildings - 46%, primeminister.kz reports.
B.Sagintayev noted that a slow pace of work on preparation of boilers is observed in Almaty region (32%), heating networks - in South Kazakhstan (40%), and education facilities - in Almaty (29%).
Fuel requirement at heat sources with power up to 100 Gcal / h for the upcoming heating season is 1 million 953 thousand tons of coal and 196 thousand tons of fuel oil.
Following the meeting B.Sagintayev instructed the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of National Economy, the Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Health and Social Development to monitor preparation of facilities for the upcoming heating season.
Akimats of the regions, Astana and Almaty cities were instructed to ensure full maintenance of all repair works, timely preparation for the heating season of all objects of public sector and social sphere, to establish personal responsibility for the deputy akims (governors) and prevent growth of the current debt for utilities.