11:00, 10 December 2012 | GMT +5
'Baiterek' space missile complex cost increased 7fold - T. Mussabayev
ASTANA. December 10. KAZINFORM "The cost of the space missile complex "Baiterek" increased seven times in comparison with the initial value," Chairman of the Kazakh National Space Agency Talgat Mussabayev told the governmental hour at Majilis.

"The main reasons of prolongation of the project's implementation are delay of the project for 47 months by the Russian side and increase of the project's cost more than seven times," T. Mussabaev explained.
According to T. Mussabayev, space agencies of Kazakhstan and Russia are working on the transitionof the technical basis SMC "Baiterek" from "Angara" rocket to the launcher "Zenit". The cost of creating complex based on the carrier rocket "Zenith" is estimated to be several times lower than on the basis of "Angara".