10:38, 11 December 2009 | GMT +5
Barak Satybaldyuly (1743-1840) was a batyr, one of the heads of the national-liberation movement of Kazakh People from Small Zhuz, he was from Tabyn (Zhetyru) stem of Small Zhuz.

He became known at the age of 18 when he won Torgut batyr Alakobik. In 70es he headed troops of shomitshy-tabyn and participated in battles against Kalmyks on the banks of Yedil and Zhaiyk Rivers. In 1785-1792 he was one of the heads of Syrym Datov's uprising.
He fought against punitive forces of Tsar Government near Orenburg fortress. Baron O. Igelstrom in his letter to Empress Ekaterina II wrote about insistence and power of Barak's troops.
"Batyr Barak" poem was devoted to him. His son Asau and grandson Daut were well-known batyrs.
Barak and Asau Batyrs were buried at the 15 km to South-East from Turysh village. In 1993 a mausoleum was built to the honor of Barak Batyr.
Source: Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, Volume 1.