09:56, 05 March 2009 | GMT +5
BAYAN KASSABOLATULY (approx. 1710/15-1757) – was one of the brave batyrs ("heroes"), who devoted his life to the struggle for independence of Kazakh people. Abylai khan respected him for his bravery and smartness.
There is some information about batyr Bayan in the article by Shaken Walikhanov ?Historical Legends of Batyrs of XVIII? which highlights valor and remarkable qualities of Batyr which helped him win great respect of Abylai khan.
Bayan batyr from the Uak tribe together with Abylai khan fought against Chinese armies. When Abylai?s army was forced to retreat, adroit warrior Bayan shielded him and continued the battle. He rescued the khan?s army. According to Shaken Walikhanov, Bayan was one of the closest batyrs of Abylai. He fought against kalmyks many times. Together with batyr Sary he headed troops of the Uak and Kerei tribes. Sary and Bayan died in one of such fights. Bayan batyr was buried in Karaganda oblast.
Bayan batyr is the picture of patriotism and valor. By virtue of such batyrs's bravery Kazakh people gained liberty and independence.
Kazakhstan, National Encyclopedia, vol.1
Book ?Historical Figures?