Belarus, Kazakhstan should strengthen interregional ties: Ergali Bulegenov

"Regions of Belarus and Kazakhstan need to increase the mutual trade considerably and explore all cooperation avenues. A lot has been done this year to reach this goal. Belarus welcomed delegations of Karaganda Oblast, Kostanai Oblast and Pavlodar Oblast, while representatives of Minsk Oblast visited Kazakhstan. Another two or three visits will be arranged by the end of the year. Top on the agenda of the meeting with the Vitebsk Oblast Governor was a possibility to arrange visits of business delegations from the regions which signed cooperation agreements with Vitebsk Oblast. We have plenty of opportunities here, and the embassy is ready to become a link between our regions," the diplomat said.
Both Belarus and Kazakhstan are greatly interested in closer ties. "We are able and willing to set up joint ventures in the manufacturing industry, agriculture and other sectors. Cooperation in healthcare seems promising, too. The Vitebsk State Medical University has a global recognition and we would like to train and retrain Kazakhstani medical professionals there. Cooperation in culture and science is also important," the ambassador said.
He emphasized that Belarus, just like Kazakhstan, is interested in promoting green technologies. "Kazakhstan has come up with a special program to switch to green economy. Companies located in Vitebsk Oblast keep working to improve their technologies and promote energy conservation. We can unite our efforts. One of the possible cooperation projects is associated with the use of peat that abounds in Vitebsk Oblast. Green economy views peat as a multifunctional energy source. Another cooperation avenue is agricultural production. Joint projects in energy conservation offer great prospects, too," Ergali Bulegenov is convinced, BelTA reports.
Representatives of the Kazakhstan Embassy met with the Vitebsk Oblast administration on 25 September to discuss ways to strengthen ties and intensify cooperation.
In January-July the trade between Vitebsk Oblast and Kazakhstan amounted to $22.4 million, with export standing at $22.3 million and import at $117,500. Belarus' major exports to the Republic of Kazakhstan are meat and dairy products, woodwork and timber, wires and electrical conductors, optical-fiber cables, carpets and flooring, as well as fiberglass products. Belarus' major import from Kazakhstan is cotton fiber.