10:34, 09 December 2012 | GMT +5
Belarus to get fourth tranche of EurAsEC loan soon
MINSK. December 9. KAZINFORM Belarus will soon get $440 million as the fourth tranche of the loan from the EurAsEC Anticrisis Fund. The information was released by Mr Anton Siluanov, Russian Finance Minister, Chairman of the EurAsEC Anticrisis Fund Council, KAZINFORM has learnt from BelTA.

The Russian Finance Minister reminded that there is a program for allocating the fifth tranche and the sixth tranche of the loan to Belarus in 2013. "We continue enhancing actions of the program in 2013. Several positions will be added, including matters concerning the implementation of structural reforms and privatization," said Anton Siluanov.
He specified that privatization will be discussed at the next stage of the program's implementation and therefore it will be reviewed next year. State budget earnings from privatization were not an issue when the decision to allocate the fourth tranche of the loan to Belarus was made, said the Russian Finance Minister.