10:41, 08 January 2013 | GMT +5
Belarusian diplomat dies in hospital as result of water accident in Rio
RIO-DE-JANEIRO. January 8. KAZINFORM Belarus' consul in Rio de Janeiro Sergei Gurevsky died in an accident on the Barra de Tijuca oceanic beach in the west of Rio de Janeiro on Sunday.

A source at the city rescue service told Itar-Tass on Monday that Gurevsky was swimming in the ocean when he was over covered by a tidal wave. The swimmer didn't have the strength to struggle strong currents that dragged him into the ocean. Professional lifeguards who were on duty on the beach pulled the man out of the water and sent him to hospital in grave condition. Gurevsky died in hospital later on.
The ocean on the day of the tragedy was calm by Rio de Janeiro standards. The waves were not higher than one meter.
The Belarusian embassy will dispatch Gurevsky's body to Minsk. Gurevsky's term expired on January 4 and he was preparing to go home.
Source: Itar-Tass