Bellesbumprom's export to Kazakhstan up 1.6 times in January-July 2023

Enterprises affiliated with the Belarusian timber, woodworking, pulp and paper industry concern Bellesbumprom increased their export to Kazakhstan more than 1.6 times in January-July 2023, BelTA reports.

Photo: BelTA News Agency

“In January-July 2023 the export to Kazakhstan grew more than 1.6 times compared to the same period last year. Furniture, wood boards, plywood, paper and cardboard, as well as products made of them make up the largest share of the supplies,” BelTA learned from the press service of the concern.

For the Bellesbumprom enterprises the market of Kazakhstan is one of the largest in the post-Soviet space after Russia. In June 2022 woodworking and furniture enterprises took part in the Kazakhstan international exhibition Furniture. Interior. Woodworking 2022 in Almaty. The international industrial forum INNOPROM. Qazaqstan is taking place in Astana these days. It will be running till 27 September.

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