Best practices in science commercialization: Kazakhstan and UK collaborate

Best practices in science commercialization: Kazakhstan and UK collaborate
Photo credit: Galymzhan Karamanuly/ Kazinform

Kazakhstan and the United Kingdom are set to collaborate on the commercialization of scientific developments and the promotion of innovation. Representatives from the science foundations of both countries met in London to explore partnership opportunities, reports Kazinform News Agency.

The Enterprise Hub at the Royal Academy of Engineering supports engineers who aspire to start businesses and generate income. For over a decade, it has been nurturing startup ideas from inception to market entry, assisting businesses in reaching both domestic and international markets.

Ana Avaliani
Ana Avaliani Photo credit: Galymzhan Karamanuly/Kazinform

"We were sharing our experience of commercialization, knowledge transfer, supporting scaleups, and the wider entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem here in the UK. We look forward to learning from our guests about the ecosystem in Kazakhstan. We are always keen to learn about best practices elsewhere and seek collaboration opportunities," said Ana Avaliani, Director of enterprise and sustainable development at the Royal Academy of Engineering.

Neil Marshall
Neil Marshall Photo credit: Galymzhan Karamanuly/Kazinform

"It's a wonderful collaboration. It’s all about learning from each other and improving our own system with the help of Kazakhstani people. We hope to work together in the future to both improve and bring technologies to change our world," added Neil Marshall, Director of Development at Changeschool.

The Kazakh Science Fund has recently acquired new functions under the "Science and Technological Policy" law, which includes venture financing, acceleration, and business incubation. These tools are expected to significantly enhance the commercialization of technologies. According to the representatives of the Science Fund, leveraging international experience is crucial for aligning science with the industrial needs of the country.

Kamil Akatov
Kamil Akatov Photo credit: Galymzhan Karamanuly/Kazinform

"The UK is one of the leading nations in the commercialization of science. We plan to implement their experience in Kazakhstan. The practices of their universities are also interesting, as they have developed acceleration programs and business incubators. They work directly with venture capital as well," stated Kamil Akatov, Chairman of the Board of the Science Fund JSC.

Staff from the Science Fund also met with representatives from various local ministries directly and indirectly related to the sector to discuss pressing issues. During a meeting with the UK Universities Association, the focus was on fostering partnerships between the scientific organisations of the two countries.

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