11:41, 24 April 2009 | GMT +5
Big work under 'Road Map' ahead in East Kazakhstan region
EAST KAZAKHSTAN REGION. April 24. KAZINFORM /Vera Livintsova/ Yesterday a Government Commission with Vice PM Yerbol Orynbayev in the head paid a working visit to Ust-Kamenogorsk in order to estimate the region's preparedness to execution of the 'Road Map' Strategy.

Exceptional transparency will be required when conducting 'Road Map' work in the region, for this is the place where social facilities need more repairing than anywhere else. Most of those facilities are more than 40 years old, and no money has been ever provided for their reconstruction. KZT 13 billion is going to be allocated from the republican budget, and KZT 3 billion will be provided by the local budget.
Summing up the results of the working trip Mr. Orynbayev thanked the regional authorities for high level of preparedness for the program realization.