13:10, 06 January 2013 | GMT +5
Birth rate in Kyzylorda rgn up to 24%, new birthing center under construction
KYZYLORDA. January 6. KAZINFORM Construction of a new birthing center is underway in Kyzylorda, Kazinform correspondent Zhanagul Serdaly reports from the city.

Thanks to financial support of JSC Kazatomprom National Company, the new 150-bed maternity clinic will be provided with state-of-the-art equipment.
Over the last five years the birth rate in Kyzylorda region has skyrocketed to 24%. Maternal and infant mortality rates have decreased on 70% and 23% respectively.
A 200-bed regional perinatal center being constructed within '100 school, 100 hospitals' program will be put into operation this year as well.