Bolashak program increases requirements to knowledge level of state & foreign language

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Akorda has held a meeting of the Republican Commission for personnel training abroad under the chairmanship of the Acting Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov, the press office of Akorda reports.

The round table considered proposals for further improvement of "Bolashak" international scholarship initiated by the President of Kazakhstan.

Since 2014 there has been increased the required threshold level of foreign language skills to get master program degree and interning performing IELTS 3.0 to 4.0 points from 9.0 points, while in residency and doctorate - up 5.0 points.

State language knowledge level increased for applicants of all categories. Minimum level as for KAZTEST system will be 85 points out of 150.

In addition, the list of leading foreign universities and international organizations recommended for training and passing language courses has been revised.

Training will be made on the basis of leading foreign universities and medical institutions as well as in internationally and regionally recognized research centers, companies and industry organizations.

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