“Bolashak” program opens great opportunities for Kazakh youth: Nazgul Bostan

What is the advantage and success of "Bolashak" program?
It was adopted at the dawn of independence of the country and, I believe, it made a great contribution to the formation of competitive human resources of the country. To date about two thousand "Bolashak" graduates returned to Kazakhstan and work here. The investments to the education are the most efficient ones. According to the analysts, USD 1 spent by the Government on preparation of a specialist returns USD 6 profit in the future. This is the policy of long-range investments of the Government to education.
Can you tell about your study aboard?
I entered the University of East London in 2007. It was difficult at the beginning. But slowly I got into the swing of things. I was amazed by the culture of Englishmen and their respectful and very warm attitude towards each other. There weren't many Kazakhstani students at my University. We were close friends and kept in touch with Russian students.
I believe, "Bolashak" program provides great opportunities for the Kazakh youth.
You are the Head of the Center for International Programs today, can you tell about your work?
The project department that arranges language trainings for the Kazakh youth has functioned in the Center since 2007. Assistance in academic study will be rendered beginning from the coming year as well. We will render assistance to people who want to study on "Bolashak" program or at their own expense. We cooperate with many countries - Malaysia, Czech, USA, Great Britain and others. We also plan to organize preparation courses to the KAZ Test and IELTS in Astana. At the moment we work on preparation of an educational exhibition that will be held in April, 2010 in Astana.