Brazil’s COVID-19 death average on the rise for a month

BRASILIA. KAZINFORM - Brazil reached 2,305 deaths on Monday (Mar. 22), according to the seven-day moving average, calculated by the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Agencia Brasil reports.

The number of deaths registered yesterday is 119 percent higher than February 22 (1,052). Compared to 14 days ago (March 8), when the average reached 1,525, the spike is 51 percent.

Also according to Fiocruz data, cases reached 75,416, as per the seven-day moving average—the fifth consecutive day with a record. The number is up 61 percent from a month before (46.921) and up 14 percent from 14 days before (66,380).

The calculation of the seven-day moving average published by Fiocruz is based on the sum of all notifications on a given day plus those from the seven days prior, divided by seven. The number is different from the one released by the Health Ministry, which shows only occurrences reported on a given day.

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