Briefing dedicated to Kazakh President's Address held in Brazil

During the meeting, representatives of other foreign ministries and state authorities, heads and representatives of diplomatic missions accredited to Brazil, as well as public figures and media representatives participated. In the course of the briefing, Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Brazil Bakytzhan Ordabayev presented the Address of the President and drew special attention on the main aspects of the "Strategy- 2050", as well as on the Patriotic Act "Eternal Nation". The participants of the briefing showed interest to the Address of the President of Kazakhstan, especially to the areas of economy, energy, innovations and science. They also noted timeliness of the stated goals and concrete principles for their achievement, the Kazakh MFA's press service said. During the briefing, heads of diplomatic missions and other participants highly evaluated achievements of Kazakhstan reached within a short period of independence. They noted Kazakhstan is one of the leading states in the CIS, serving a benchmark of well-balanced and visionary approach in implementation of political and economic reforms. In particular, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Brazil Sergey Akopov underscored functioning of the Customs Union and Unified Economic Space between Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, will provide colossal opportunities for the Brazilian entrepreneurs to enlarge business ties with both Kazakhstan and the mentioned partner states.