15:12, 25 November 2011 | GMT +6
British Council to mark the World's AIDS Day
ALMATY. November 25. KAZINFORM On 28 November 2011 the British Council Kazakhstan will organise a round table to mark 1st December - the World's AIDS Day. Volunteers of the youth leadership centre Dostar from Shymkent and students of Almaty universities, active members of the volunteer movement in Kazakhstan, will take part in the event.
The goal of the round table is to increase awareness about AIDS and build tolerance towards people with HIV. Participants of the round table will share their experience in this field, discuss discrimination issues and new approaches for preventing the disease, the press service of the British Council reports.
As part of the round table a videoconference with Angela Costetsos, representative of Terrence Higgins Trust will be held.
Terrence Higgins Trust is the leading and largest HIV charity in the UK.