Brussels hails Kazakhstan's progress in economy

BRUSSELS. December 6. KAZINFORM A reception dated to the Day of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and the Kingdom of Belgium was held in Brussels.

The event brought together reps of the Kingdom of Belgium and the EU, heads of international organizations, parliamentarians, diplomats, public figures, businessmen and journalists of European countries.

During the reception guests praised Kazakh hospitality and enjoyed national cuisine of Kazakhstan.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to Belgium Almaz Khamzayev expressed gratitude to those present for congratulations on the Day of Independence and the jubilee of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Belgium.

In an interview to Kazinform correspondent European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for Central Asia Patricia Flor congratulated people of Kazakhstan on the Day of Independence and hailed its progress in the sphere of economy, stability and interethnic accord.

Besides, she praised Kazakhstan's efforts to modernize and transform the country and diversify its economy, having noted those areas have prospects for cooperation between the EU and Kazakhstan.

The guests also emphasized growing authority of our country in the international arena, fast pace of Kazakhstan's socioeconomic development and ambitious initiatives aimed at strengthening international and regional security and integration.

In addition, they congratulated the Republic of Kazakhstan on the forthcoming holiday - the Day of Independence - and wished it prosperity.



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