Brussels hosts round table on recent constitutional referendum in Kazakhstan

BRUSSELS. KAZINFORM - The Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to the European Union together with the European Institute for Asian Studies held a round table seminar titled Referendum on Amendments and Changes to the Constitution of Kazakhstan and Prospects of Relations with the European Union, Kazinform cites the press service of the Kazakh MFA.

The event was attended by representatives of the European External Action Service, the diplomatic corps accredited in Brussels, think-tanks, non-governmental organizations, local and international media, as well as representatives of the Kazakh diaspora.

Deputy Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the EU, Timur Sultangozhin briefed the guests of the event in detail about the results of the nationwide referendum on the adoption of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He spoke about the stages of consideration of the package of amendments proposed by President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to the Constitution, from his State-of-the-Nation Address to the people of Kazakhstan on March 16 and creation of a special working group of legal scholars to the popular vote at the referendum on June 5.

Sultangozhin noted that the referendum became an important part of the large-scale political and economic reforms carried out in the country. He also noted that the vote allowed every citizen to participate directly in a historical event that determines the future of Kazakhstan. The Kazakh diplomat drew the attention of the audience to the four implemented packages of reforms initiated by the President. These reforms are aimed at deep democratization and modernization of the country's political system, and ultimately the creation of a new Kazakhstan, he said.

Speaking on behalf of the EEAS, Head of the Division for Central Asia Dietmar Chrysler highlighted that Kazakhstan was an important and reliable partner of the EU. He noted that the EU supported the efforts of the leadership of Kazakhstan aimed at further democratization of society and political modernization of the state. He also welcomed the political reforms that are being implemented in Kazakhstan and the holding of a nationwide referendum. The majority supported the referendum, which is an indicator of the support of the country’s citizens for the President’s policies.

Director of the European Institute of Asian Studies, Lin Goetals drew attention to the proposal to amend the Constitution through a referendum. This gave every citizen the opportunity to participate in making the decision that is highly important for the future of their country. She also noted the scale of the changes being made to the main law of the country and highlighted much work needed for the practical implementation of the proposed political and economic reforms in the country.

During the event, an active Q&A session was held, which demonstrated the audience’s genuine interest in the changes taking place in Kazakhstan. Many participants commended the political and economic reforms being implemented in our country, noted their scale and special importance for building a democratic society.

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