10:34, 04 September 2013 | GMT +5
Budget funds to be result-oriented - Nigmatulin
ASTANA. September 4. KAZINFORM "Members of Parliament should be governed by performance criteria of budget means usage and concrete results ensuring while considering budget," Majilis Speaker of the Kazakh Parliament Nurlan Nigmatulin has stated, speaking about importance of the bill "On Republican Budget for 2014-2016," submitted to the parliament at the plenary session of the chamber.

In addition, Mr. Nigmatulin noted that in accordance with the President's instruction, the Parliament will take a cenrtain stand while considering the draft.
"It comes not only to budget funds application. We are talking about the effectiveness of invested funds and the achievement of concrete results. Wherever public funds will be invested, the concrete result is need. Any other approach is inacceptable", Majilis Speaker concluded.