Business Forum held in Almaty within the EU project "ISO Standards in Transport & Logistics"

ALMATY. November 21. KAZINFORM The Business Forum "ISO Standards and Quality Management in the Transport & Logistics Sector" took place in Almaty on November 20 as closing event of the EU project of the same name.

The project's overall objective is to support logistics companies, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs), in order to increase their international competitiveness. One of the main objectives in this context, the ISO 9001 certification, has been already achieved successfully by 3 of the 6 pilot SMEs, supported by the project partner Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kazakhstan (CCI KZ), the EU Delegation to Kazakhstan said.  

This Business Forum "ISO Standards and Quality Management in the Transport & Logistics Sector" in Almaty served to inform representatives from different branches of the transport and logistics sector about this project and to promote the benefits and increased business opportunities due to the implementation of ISO 9001 and quality management systems in general. Trainees and SMEs offered a summary of their project experiences, information about the certification requirements, and present the steps of ISO implementation. Additionally, the participants  discussed the elaboration of an action plan to organize activities supporting ISO and QMS implementation in the future, in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kazakhstan (CCI KZ). Furthermore, this event contributed to intensify the business cooperation of companies from the logistics sector, as well as the communication between public and private sector.

The Business Forum was carried out by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Kazakhstan, together with the  Kazakh National Technical University.

Launched in 2007, the EU Programme Central Asia Invest promotes the development of the private sector, especially of SMEs, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The programme is working on two levels: on the level of Central Asia Business Intermediary Organisations to improve their services to SMEs and on the policy level to improve the overall business climate.


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