Buzachi Neft to face fine of KZT350mln over major methane leak

Photo: Mangistau region's ecology department

Buzachi Neft is set to face a fine of over 350 million tenge as a result of the blowout at one of its wells in Mangistau region, Kazakhstan, that probably led to the second worst man-made methane leak ever recorded, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

An investigation has been completed into the blowout at the well owned by Buzachi Neft at the Karachurun field, Mangistau region, Kazakhstan.

Mangistau region’s ecology department reminded on June 9, 2023, natural gas caught fire lasting for 200 days at the well No. 303 during drilling. As a result of the measurements, excessive levels of pollutants in the air were reported, including methane.

The fire was not put out until the end of last year.

According to the investigation carried out by the ecology department, as a result of the blowout, methane emissions in the air exceeded by 480 times, and concentration of petroleum-related pollutants in soil by 168.13 mg/kg.

The department noted in its statement that according to the permit, the drilling was not set to begin until 2024.

Following the investigation, the company is eligible to develop a remediation program to eliminate the environmental damage as well as to observe the rate of emissions into the environment. Four administrative protocols were filed. The amount of fine was estimated at over 350 million tenge, said the department.

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