11:51, 06 May 2009 | GMT +5
Cambodia puts 3,000-year-old pre-Angkor relics on show
PHNOM PENH. May 6. KAZINFORM The National Museum here on Wednesday opened an exhibition to demonstrate some archeological findings prior to the Angkor Era (802-1432), which was the most glorious period in the history of Cambodia, Kazinform refers to Xinhua.

The "Angkor Ancestors" show mainly features a recreation of an excavation site at the Angkor Wat area in Siem Reap province, complete with pottery shards and a 3,000-year-old skeleton.
Organized by a French research institution and the museum itself, the exhibition is the first ever held in the kingdom on the pre-Angkor period, said museum director Hab Touch.
The artifacts on display were found at two sites within the Angkor Wat area, a 2,000-year-old village location and a 3,000-year-old burial place.
Currently, the Angkor Wat is the most welcomed tourist destination in Cambodia, Kazinform cites Xinhua. See www.chinaview.cn for full version.