Camel husbandry needs state support

ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Camel husbandry has a chance to become one of the most attractive trend of livestock in Kazakhstan.

However, farmers consider that the sphere needs an effective state support. In this case shubat (camel milk) and wool could compete in near and far abroad market. One of the major camel husbandry producing shubat is situated in Almaty region, reports.

Sydyk Dauletov, the manager of the husbandry,  told that he started his business having only 1 camel. Currently camel livestock reaches 4500 heads. There are camels of two breeds in the husbandry - Bactrian and Arabian.

In summer time milk yield reaches 4-5 tons and in winter - up to 3 tons per day. All camels are milked by hand. One camel gives 7-10 liters of milk per day. Milk is supplied to a minifactory producing ​​a unique national drink called 'shubat'.

In addition the company produces more than 400 tons of camel meat annually. Dauletov said that they cannot supply shubat to the countries of the Customs Union due to the absence of the international quality certificate for shubat.

"There is no specialized laboratory in Kazakhstan. We sent shubat to Russian lab but the procedure is very expensive", said S.Dauletov.

Chal or shubat is a Turkic (especially Turkmen and Kazakh) beverage of fermented camel milk, sparkling white with a sour flavor, popular in Central Asia - particularly in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Shubat is typically prepared by first souring camel milk in a skin bag or ceramic jar by adding previously soured milk. For 3-4 days, fresh milk is mixed in; the matured shubat will consist of one third to one fifth previously soured milk. Camel milk will not sour for up to 72 hours at temperatures below 10°C (50°F). At 30°C (86°F) the milk sours in approximately 8 hours (compared to cow's milk, which sours within 3 hours).  

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