20:08, 28 December 2009 | GMT +5
Capital stock of Kazakhstan Development Bank to increase by USD 300 mln in first half of 2010
ASTANA. December 28. KAZINFORM /Gulnara Zhandagulova/ In the first half of 2010 the capital stock of the Kazakhstan Development Bank will increase by USD 300 mln - to USD 2 bln.

Chairman of the Board of SamrukKazyna Natiional Welfare Fund JSC Kaorat Kelimbetov has announced it on Monday, December 28.
"As a result of the state support the Development Bank became one of the largest banks on capital stock. Its capital stock makes up USD 1.3 bln. We think that in the nearest perspective it will exceed USD 2 bln", K.Kelimbetov said.
He reminded that the Fund increased the Bank's capital stock by USD 115 mln.