Carlo Acutis may become the first millennial saint

Pope Francis
Photo credit: Rome

According to Catholic News Agency Pope Francis has recognized a second miracle attributed to the intercession of Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who died of leukemia in 2006 and numbered among the blessed, Kazinform News Agency correspondent reports.

Now, Acutis may be acknowledged as a saint - the first from the millennial generation. As the agency notes, Acutis may be canonized next year

, which has been declared as an anniversary year by the Catholic Church.

Carlo Acutis, who had a keen interest in computer science, developed a website where he compiled descriptions of all the documented miracles of the Catholic Church. He was a deeply religious man who strived to help the suffering and disadvantaged. In early October 2006, doctors diagnosed Carlo with acute leukemia. He passed away shortly thereafter on October 12, at the age of 15. After his death, Carlo was nicknamed the “patron saint of the Internet.”

In 2013, an event took place that initiated official recognition. According to the Catholic Church, a seriously ill boy in Brazil prayed to Carlo Acutis and touched a T-shirt that had belonged to him, subsequently being cured of a rare pancreatic disease. This event was officially declared a miracle.

The second miracle attributed to Carlo's intercession was the unexpected healing of a 21-year-old girl from Costa Rica who was studying in Florence. In 2022, she fell off her bike and suffered a severe head injury. Following an emergency craniotomy to reduce intracranial pressure, the family was informed that the girl was in a critical condition and could pass away at any time. Six days after the accident, Valeria's mother went on a pilgrimage to Assisi to pray for her daughter's healing at the tomb of Blessed Carlo Acutis, leaving a note there.

On the same day, Valeria started breathing independently, and by the next day, she regained movement in her upper limbs and partial speech. Ten days after her mother's pilgrimage, she was released from the intensive care unit. Just two months following the incident, Valeria was able to undertake her own pilgrimage to Assisi, visiting the tomb of Carlo Acutis.

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