13:52, 05 January 2020 | GMT +5
Cars trapped in snow in N Kazakhstan, motorists evacuated
PETROPAVLOVSK. KAZINFORM – Within the period of December 31 – January 5 several cars have been trapped by snow on icy roads of North Kazakhstan region, Kazinform reports.

According to the Emergency Department, within the New Year holiday 65 people including 12 children have been evacuated from 22 vehicles trapped by snow. Snow traps occurred in the southern direction. On January 4th «Timiryazevo-Sarykol» highway was closed due to bad weather conditions. The roads are being cleared. No fatalities have been reported.
It should be noted that Kazhydromet announced weather warning in North Kazakhstan region due to strong wind and fog.
The Emergency Department informed that at the moment all the roads of the region are opened.