14:20, 09 January 2009 | GMT +5
Census results to give full picture of modern Kazakhstan population: KZ Statistics Agency
ASTANA. January 9. KAZINFORM. A reported earlier, the second National Population Census will be held in Kazakhstan during the period of February 25 till March 6 of the current year. The main priority of the oncoming census is to improve the quality of the collected data due to the implemented technical and organizational novelties, like communication network for exchange of the received data, electronic cards, organization of trainings for over 50 000 individuals participating in the census etc.
In this context the Kazakh Agency for Statistics set to recruitment of employees to the positions of managers of census departments and census supervisors.
The managers will be engaged in specification of borders of the enumeration districts and list of houses, training and supervision of the instructors-inspectors and census-takers. The managers of the census departments started work on January 5 and will work till April 10.
The census supervisors are obliged to organize work and control over the census departments, instructors and census-takers. They also proceeded to their duties on January 5 and will work till April 30.
Beginning from Jan 8 til February 15 the Agency holds online internet conferences on its web site www.stat.kz where everyone can get detailed information regarding the census.
The census is a complex event, the results of which will allow to get more accurate picture of the country's modern population. In addition to the standard questions, new ones will be introduced, like how many Kazakhstanis have basic computer skills. Having got the information on the level computer competence of the population the state will be able to plan development of computer classes in educational institutions and distribute investments for the development of IT technologies and communications more efficiently.