10:00, 02 January 2018 | GMT +5
Chances of precipitation low across Kazakhstan on Jan 2
ASTANA. KAZINFORM - Chances of precipitation will be high in western and southwestern Kazakhstan today, January 2. The rest of the country will enjoy fair weather, Kazinform has learnt from Kazhydromet.
Wind with gusts up to 15-20 mps will batter Zhambyl, Kostanay, Karaganda, Kyzylorda, and South Kazakhstan regions.
Akmola, Almaty, North Kazakhstan, Pavlodar, Aktobe, East Kazakhstan, Mangistau, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, Zhambyl, and Kostanay regions will see patches of fog at night and early in the morning.
Slippery conditions will persist on roads in Mangistau, Atyrau, and West Kazakhstan regions.