Chelyabinsk meteorite to be lifted

Under the instruction of the Ministry of radiation and environmental safety of Yekaterinburg, "Aleut" company will lift the meteorite from the lake Tchebarkul.
In addition, a floating platform (6x8 meters) was installed on the lake for keeping special equipment for lifting operations. Minister of radiation and environmental safety of the Chelyabinsk region Alexander Galichin has acquainted with the preparation works.
NOTE: On 15 February 2013, an asteroid entered Earth's atmosphere over Russia with an estimated speed of 18.6 km/s (over 41,000 mph or 66 960 km/h, almost 60 times the speed of sound at that altitude) and quickly became a brilliant superbolide meteor —the Chelyabinsk meteor—over the southern Ural region . The dazzling light of the meteor was brighter than the sun , and bright enough to cast moving shadows during the morning in Chelyabinsk . It was observed over a wide area of the region and in neighbouring republics. Eyewitnesses also felt intense heat from the fireball.
Due to its enormous velocity and shallow atmospheric entry angle, the object exploded in an air burst over Chelyabinsk Oblast , at a height of about 23.3 km (14.5 miles, 76,000 feet). The explosion generated a bright flash, producing many small fragmentarymeteorites and a powerful shock wave .