Chief of EC Research Directorate General highly appraises EU-Kazakhstan relations development

The parties stated growing dynamics of the Kazakh-European relations which had been enhanced by joint efforts within realization of the Agreement on cooperation and partnership between Kazakhstan and the EU. The importance and timeliness of adoption of a Joint Statement on necessity of consideration of the Agreement on cooperation and partnership and further development of a new basic agreement between Kazakhstan and EU was noted.
According to Utembayev, Kazakhstan and the EU represent quite promising prospects for expanding mutually beneficial cooperation in science and research in economy. Along with this, Utembayev said Kazakhstan considered cooperation in scientific-technical and innovation spheres as an integral part of joint policy in economy, energy and transport.
The EU is the largest platform for modeling and implementation of modern approaches, up-to-date technologies and innovative achievements. In this view, the new document must focus on the relations of Kazakhstan with the EU which provides for wide interaction in science and technologies, exchange of experience and mutually beneficial usage of the potential in this field.
"The European side is interested in development of relations with Kazakhstan and supports this initiative", José Manuel Silva Rodríguez said and noted that the VII Framework Program of EU for 2007-2013 had to become a key instrument of mutually beneficial cooperation. Under this Program the EU finances scientific researches and technological developments. The budget of this Program which entered into force January 1, 2007 will makes EUR 53.2 bln.
The Ambassador of Kazakhstan informed that Kazakh scientific organizations intended to use this opportunity to develop cooperation with the European scientific-research institutions and centers specializing in the abovementioned direction. The Program welcomes participation of the organizations from third countries.
Nuclear physics, biotechnologies, petrochemistry, space research are the priority spheres for Kazakhstan science in its interaction with the EU institutions, Y. Utembayev noted.
The Kazakh Diplomat proposed also to consider an opportunity of holding negotiations on conclusion of an Agreement on cooperation in science and technologies between the Government of Kazakhstan and the EU which "will allow enhancing mutually beneficial dialogue through creation of joint scientific-research institutions".
The Head of the EC Research Directorate-General highly appraised the prospects of bilateral cooperation between Kazakhstan and the EU and stressed importance of beginning the talks regarding signing the abovementioned Agreement. According to him, the parties may start its discussion since January 1, 2010.