11:11, 22 December 2009 | GMT +5
China court gives man 12 years in prison for killing rare tiger
MOSCOW. December 22. KAZINFORM. A court in China has sentenced Kang Wannian to 12 years in prison for shooting to death an Indo-Chinese tiger in southwest China in February, Xinhua news agency reported; Kazinform refers to RIA Novosti.

The court has also ordered him to pay a fine of some $14,600 and a compensation for state economic losses of about $70,300.
"He shot to death what he claimed an 'unspecified animal' after dark while in a hunt with Gao Zuqiao for a kind of frog in the Xishuangbanna national nature reserve in February. The two fled the scene after learning the animal was a tiger," the agency said.
However, the agency said, Gao and six other local villagers returned the next day and dissected the tiger's body for eating; Kazinform cites RIA Novosti.