China Development Bank to finance Kazakhmys projects amounted to USD 2.7 bln

ASTANA. December 28. KAZINFORM /Gulnara Zhandagulova/ China Development Bank will finance several projects of "Kazakhmys" Company amounted to USD 2.7 bln; Chairman of the Board of "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund Kairat Kelimbetov has informed of it today at the press-conference.

According to K. Kelimbetov "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund jointly with China Development Bank and "Kazakhmys" Company signed agreement on additional allotment of subsidized loans amounted to USD 3 bln at the end of 2009. "From these loans USD 300 mln will be allocated to "Kazakhtelecom" Company and USD 2.7 bln for the development of mining and smelting sphere. In particular, the largest project for development of copper industry - Bozshakol copper deposit in Pavlodar region will be developed as well", - he explained.

"Such a large-scale financing of mining and smelting sector in Kazakhstan is held for the first time", - the Head of "Samruk-Kazyna" Fund noted.

"USD 2.7 bln will be allocated for several projects of "Kazakhmys" Company. The agreement was signed at the beginning of this December", - he added.

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