11:12, 08 May 2009 | GMT +5
Chinese minister proposes int'l conference on A/H1N1 flu
BANGKOK. May 8. KAZINFORM China's Health Minister Chen Zhu proposed Friday to convene an international scientific conference on Influenza A/H1N1 in the nearest possible date in China, as he and his counterparts from other ASEAN Plus Three countries meet in Bangkok in the face of the threat of the new flu virus, Kazinform refers to Xinhua.

China will work closely with and provide necessary technical assistance to ASEAN countries on flu-fighting, the minister said, adding that one possible area for collaboration is capacity building, another being scientific research.
"If needed, China is willing to organize training courses for rapid diagnostic technology and provide reagents to ASEAN countries," Chen said.
His proposal came as he is attending the ministerial session of ASEAN Plus Three health ministers' special meeting on A/H1N1 Influenza, which proceeds on Thursday and Friday in Bangkok in a bid to map out cooperation plans and strategies to handle the potential pandemic of the new flu strain in the region, Kazinform cites Xinhua. See www.chinaview.cn for full version.