Chinese president proposes Asia-Pacific dream

He made the remarks when addressing the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) CEO Summit, which attracted over 1,500 business people from 21 APEC member economies and 17 other countries and regions. The Asia-Pacific has a strong impetus for development and a bright future, with a rising standing in the world, Xi said. "The development prospect of our region hinges on the decisions and actions we take today," he said. "We are duty-bound to create and fulfill an Asia-Pacific dream for our people." The Asia-Pacific dream is about acting in the spirit of the Asia-Pacific community and out of a sense of shared destinies, following the trend of peace, development and mutually beneficial cooperation, and jointly working for the prosperity and progress of the region, Xi told the summit. He elaborated that the dream is about staying ahead of global development and making greater contribution to the well-being of mankind, Xinhua reports. The dream is also about having more economic vibrancy, free trade and investment facilitation, better roads, and closer people-to-people exchanges, the president said. Moreover, the dream is about ensuring greater security and prosperity for the people and giving children a better environment to grow, work and live, he said. To realize the Asia-Pacific dream, the region should redouble efforts to forge a partnership of mutual trust, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation and jointly build an open economy, Xi urged. In addition, the region's economies need to explore new drivers for growth and draw a blueprint for comprehensive connectivity, he said. Regarding the development of the world's second largest economy, Xi said that China's economy has been growing steadily as a "new normal" of it has emerged. Under the new normal conditions, he said, China's economic growth has become more stable and been driven by more diverse forces while the Chinese economic structure has been improved and upgraded, heralding a more stable development prospect. "The intensity of our endeavor to comprehensively deepen reform will determine whether we will successfully adapt ourselves to the new normal," Xi told his audience. The president said that to comprehensive deepen reform, China needs to stimulate the market vitality, broaden the path for innovation, advance opening-up at a higher standard, as well as improve people's well-being and promote social equity and justice. "Comprehensively deepening reform will not only liberate the productive force but also unleash the vitality of the society," Xi said. "It will serve as a strong driving force for China's economic and social development."