11:51, 01 May 2009 | GMT +5
CICA became good platform for political dialogue in Asia ? Minister Kul-Mukhammed
ASTANA. May 1. KAZINFORM /Muratbek Makulbekov/ Kazakhstan has created all conditions for harmonious development of the languages and cultures of all nationalities, Minister of Culture and Information Mukhtar Kul-Mukhammed has said during the meeting with the representatives of ethno-cultural communities of the CICA member countries.

As earlier reported, a Forum of the CICA ethno-cultural communities has been opened in the Culture and Information Ministry in Astana today. The event is organized by the Ministry together with the People?s Assembly of Kazakhstan.
To date the CICA has become a good platform for the political dialogue on the Asian territory, the Minister said and noted the Organization had held a plenty of events directed on strengthening inter-ethnic and inter-faith harmony. Namely in these spheres Kazakhstan has gained wide experience which is welcomed by all members of this Organization.
?Security and confidence in Asia are the main directions of the Organization?s activity?, the Minister highlighted.
M. Kul-Mukhammed also acquainted the guests with the measures launched in Kazakhstan for strengthening unity of the people. In particular, 88 schools provide teaching in national languages for the Uzbeks, Tadjiks, Uigurs and representatives of other nationalities. 108 Sunday schools teach in 22 languages. TV Channels in Kazakhstan broadcast in 12 languages. National theatres are functioning in the country as well.