16:15, 16 November 2011 | GMT +6
CIS exhibition in Paris to mark Commonwealth's 20th anniversary
MOSCOW. November 15. KAZINFORM The 20th anniversary of the Commonwealth of Independent States will be the main topic of the CIS exhibition that is due to open at the Paris Docks en Seine prestigious gallery on 18 November. The exposition will display the works of young artists from 11 CIS countries, BelTA learnt from the CIS Interstate Humanitarian Foundation, one of the organizers of the event.
According to BelTA, Belarus will be presented at the exhibition by the paintings of Oksana Zhgirovskaya, Andrei Lenkevich and Oleg Yushko.
According to the organizers, the exposition will unite traditional arts, avant-garde, and the recent art achievements. The project of the kind will be held in Europe for the first time.
The exhibition will also feature masterpieces of well-known CIS avant-gardists: Kazimir Malevich, Ilya Chashnik, Nikolai Suyetin, Konstantin Rozhdestvensky, Pavel Kuznetsov, Vasily Yermilov and Viktor Ufimtsev.
To learn more go to www.belta.by