CIS experts to discuss humanitarian cooperation in Moscow

MINSK.  December 13. KAZINFORM  Issues of humanitarian cooperation will be high on the agenda of the joint meeting of two organizations - the CIS Council of Humanitarian Cooperation (CHC) and the Board of the Intergovernmental Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation (IFHC). Belarus will be represented by Information Minister Oleg Proleskovsky who has recently been elected chairman of the Council of Humanitarian Cooperation, BelTA learnt from the Information Ministry of Belarus.

The meeting participants will discuss the main areas of the CHC and IFHC activities in 2013 and 2014 and draft a development strategy of humanitarian cooperation of the CIS states,  BelTA reported.

Oleg Proleskovsky is going to present the Belarusian initiatives on the ways of addressing the pressing problems of the CHC and IFHC activities and expanding cooperation with the CIS states in humanitarian and information areas, the ministry informed.

Attending the event will be Ambassadors of the CIS member states in the Russian Federation, famous cultural figures, and heads of government and social organizations of the CIS member states.

The key tasks of the CHC and IFHC are the enhancement of mechanisms of humanitarian cooperation, development of social humanitarian space and intercultural dialogue in the CIS in education, science, culture, mass communications, information, sport, tourism and youth affairs through mutual enrichment of ethnic cultures and academic potential accumulated in the CIS states.

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