"Civilizations clash" can be solved by mutual understanding and confidence ? VIII Eurasian Media Forum

ALMATY. April 23. KAZINFORM /Dauren Zhailin/ We should not overlook other challenges, which humanity face. Kazakh Secretary of State Kanat Saudabayev has announced opening the VIII Eurasian Media Forum in Almaty today; Kazinform reports.
It was noted that the challenges list includes the so-called "clash of civilizations". ?Though its threat is very real, but it is not a dominant trend of our time. The West countries face ?Islamophobia? and the Eastern World ? ?zapadofobiya?. These problems can be solved by common mutual understanding and confidence, dialog between cultures and civilizations? he said. According to him, Kazakhstan strives for making a contribution to this process. ?At the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the III Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, in which religious figures and famous politicians will participate, will be held in Astana in July?, K.Saudabayev informed. According to the Secretary of State, Kazakhstan as a chairman of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in 2011 plans to use this unique and responsible period for strengthening a dialog and mutual understanding between the West and Islamic world in Eurasia. ?In this context we welcome US President Barak Obama?s adherence to a dialog and mutual understanding with the Islamic world?, K.Saudabayev said.
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