16:36, 01 May 2009 | GMT +5
Clinton: U.S. has no interest to offer aid to DPRK
WASHINGTON. May 1. KAZINFORM The United States has no interest to offer economic aid to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), said Hillary Rodham Clinton, the U.S. Secretary of State, on Thursday, Kazinform refers to Xinhuanet.

"We have absolutely no interest and no willingness on the part of this administration to give them any economic aid at all," Clinton told a hearing on the fiscal year 2009 war supplement held by the Senate Appropriations Committee.
"They are digging themselves into a deeper and deeper hole with the international community," said the secretary, referring to the latest threat made by Pyongyang to carry out tests of nuclear explosives and intercontinental ballistic missiles.
The DPRK's foreign ministry said on Wednesday in a statement that the country will conduct nuclear and intercontinental ballistic missile tests if the UN Security Council does not apologize for "infringing" on the country's sovereignty.
The country also planned to build a light water reactor as its first step to build a nuclear power plant, the statement said.
Earlier this month, the UN Security Council adopted a presidential statement condemning the April 5 launching activity by the DPRK and demanding the country "not conduct any further launch", see Xinhuanet for full version Xinhuanet.