Colleges should guarantee employment of young people - Zhambyl rgn governor

"Last year, the construction of 14 education facilities totaling KZT 4.9 billion was carried out in our region. 9 schools and 66 kindergartens were commissioned before the academic year. KZT 232.4 million was allocated for the maintenance of 221 educational institutions, and these are 149 schools, 59 kindergartens, and 13 out-of-school institutions. This year, another school is being built. This will completely solve the problem of three-shift schools. The construction of four other schools will continue," said Rakhia Turmakhmanbetova, Head of the Zhambyl Regional Education Department.
It is expected that in the next three years, 48 new general education institutions will emerge in the region and 85 existing ones will be thoroughly upgraded.
The talented children of the region have a promising future. "Last year, for the seventh year in a row, our schoolchildren won national subject olympiads and scientific project competitions. For six years in a row, at the national science competitions, the Zhambyl team has been recognized as the best in the country," the speaker said.
According to the head of the education department, 27,396 students have entered Zhambyl region's 48 technical and vocational education colleges, 35 of which have adopted a dual education system. However, the employment of graduates is of concern.
Governor of Zhambyl region Askar Myrzakhmetov assigned to monitor the systematic spending of KZT 7 billion allocated for state educational grants. It is possible to save money by training the specialists that are in demand in the society. The heads of districts are to work on the study of their areas so that to request from among college graduates the specialists, which would be necessary for their districts.
The head of the region pointed out that colleges should guarantee the employment of its graduates, underlining the importance of training unemployed youth in the professions which are in demand in the society.
It should be mentioned that KZT 106.1 billion was allocated to the education sector in 2018.