Color Run happiest 5 km on the planet

ORLANDO. September 15. KAZINFORM - The Color Run is an event series and 5 km paint race, known as the happiest 5 km on the planet, takes place in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. On September 14, Color Run took place in Vancouver, Canada, according to

The untimed event has no winners or prizes, but runners are showered with colored powder at stations along the run. The Color Run was founded by Utah native and event producer Travis Snyder, in an effort to encourage professionals and novices to run together for fun. Its first event took place in January 2012 in Phoenix, Arizona with 6,000 participants.

The Color Run is an event that is owned and operated by The Color Run LLC, a for-profit company.

The untimed event emphasizes fun over competition. Open to first-time runners as well as families and children, each event has a designated walking lane. Registration fees typically start at around $35 US.According to The Color Run’s 2012 figures, over 60% of the participants were running a five-kilometer race for the first time and over 70% of the participants were women ages 18-40. In 2013, there are expected to be a million participants.

Runners begin dressed in clean white t-shirts, and pass through a color station once every kilometer. Each color station is associated with a different color, with volunteers blasting the runners with dyed cornstarch out of spray bottles. Runners complete the course covered in the safe and colorful powder. At the finish line following the untimed run, there are typically celebrations featuring a dance party and food vendors.

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