14:08, 15 December 2009 | GMT +5
Commercial diary farm to be built in Kostanay region
KOSTANAY. December 15. KAZINFORM /Petr Plakhotnikov/ Construction of a commercial diary farm for 500 cattle of Holstein-Friesian breed was begun in Kostanay region. The project is implemented by "Sorochinskoye-2030" LLC with financial support of "Tobol" social-entrepreneurship corporation and "KazAgroFinance" JSC. The cost of the project is up to KZT 533 mln.

As member of "Tobol" corporation Olga Li informed, the new farm will be built on the basis of functioning crop enterprise. Besides the construction of the farm, purchase of equipment and breeding animals is scheduled within the realization of the project.
The farm's products will be oriented at the local market. Besides sale of diary and meet products, the new enterprise plans to sell the growing stock.