Competent management to increase efficiency of world economy ? Eurasian Media Forum

ALMATY. April 23. KAZINFORM. /Dauren Zhailin/ ?We consider crisis as a process, which under a competent management will allow to increase efficiency of the whole world economy?, Kazakh Secretary of State Kanat Saudabayev has said opening the VIII Eurasian Media Forum in Almaty today.
?Our President was one among the first world leaders to propose a qualitatively new variant of renewal of the world economic order in his article ?Keys to Crisis?. Such an unusual vision of post-crisis world building aroused great interest of the world community, support of heads of states and international experts. The main idea of Nursultan Nazarbayev?s proposal is introduction of a common world reserve currency?, the Secretary of State said. According to him, in this context it is necessary to pay attention to the formula of Kazakhstan?s way of development. ?This concept of evolutionary state building in the hardest transit conditions became a synthesis of European reformism, pragmatism and adherence to democratic procedure on the one hand, and Asian traditionalism, more active participation of the state in social life on the other hand. The principle ? first economy, then policy? provided the country with years of steady economic growth and sufficient safety factor for the current crisis?, K. Saudabayev stressed.
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