Composition of antiterrorist commission approved in Astana

ASTANA. September 10. KAZINFORM - Antiterrorist commission of Astana city performs coordination of state institutions activities in the sphere of counter-terrorism. Today at the special session of the city maslikhat personal composition of the commission has been approved, informs.

In accordance with the decree of Astana city akimat, an antiterrorist commission of Astana city was created under the city akimat. The chairman of the antiterrorist commission is Astana city akim Imangali Tasmagambetov. Personnel of the antiterrorist commission includes deputy akims of Astana city, heads of territorial subdivisions, representatives of local government bodies”, - the head of the state legal department of Astana city akim’s central office Daulet Doskulov told in his speech.


As it appeared, the antiterrorist commission will perform coordination of central state bodies and local government bodies activities to prevent terrorism and liquidate terrorism consequences. The purpose of the commission is to implement the state policy in the sphere of counter-terrorism.

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