Conference in Minsk to discuss taxation in Single Economic Space 14 December

MINSK. December 13. KAZINFORM Prospects of development of the tax system in the Customs Union and the Single Economic Space will be discussed at a conference in Minsk on 14 December, BelTA learnt from the Ministry of Taxes and Duties.

Heads of the ministry departments, representatives of Belarusian and foreign auditing companies, managers and specialists of the leading enterprises of Belarus will review the efficiency of the amendments and additions made to the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus and entering into force on 1 January 2013. The meeting participants will give an objective assessment of the extent of the favored tax system business climate in the country, and discuss the advantages of the different tax systems existing in the world, BelTA reports.

The conference will be divided into two discussion platforms. The practical session will provide an exchange of opinions on new forms of monitoring for taxation bodies, calculation and payment of VAT, profit, land and property taxes given the simplified taxation system. During a roundtable representatives of the auditing companies are expected to speak about the place and role of the taxation system and prospects of its further development.

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