Copy of Quran belonging to Kazakh writer Zhussipbek Aimauytov handed over to museum in Pavlodar

Copy of Quran belonging to Kazakh writer Zhussipbek Aimauytov handed over to museum in Pavlodar
Photo credit: Murat Ayagan/Kazinform

On the occasion of the 135th anniversary of outstanding Kazakh writer Zhussipbek Aimauytov celebrated this year in Kazakhstan, chief imam of Bayanaul district handed over a copy of Quran belonging to the writer to the local Bukhar Zhyrau Museum of Literature and Art, Kazinform News Agency reports.

This copy of Quran was brought to Bayanaul by a caravan from Bukhara at the order of Hazret Abdilda Issabekuly, along with other religious books.

Bayanaul, the birthplace of Zhussipbek Aimauytov, has long been called “the abode of saints” of Kyzyltau. One of the historical sites sparking interest of local history experts is a mosque and a madrasah built at the behest of Hazret Abdilda Issabekuly in early XX century. Zhussipbek Aimauytov and famous satirical writer Kadyr Taishykov got education namely at this madrasah.

Copy of Quran belonging to Kazakh writer Zhussipbek Aimauytov handed over to museum in Pavlodar
Photo credit: Murat Ayagan/Kazinform

At the order of Abdilda Khazret, caravans from Bukhara brought religious books 10 times on 10 camels. In 1936, when the Bolsheviks destroyed the madrasah, local people collected all copies of Quran in it and put them at the tomb of Kadyr Taishyk’s father, since the Taishyk Ata Mausoleum was covered with a wooden roof. But later the roof burned down and the books were damaged, so the residents took the remaining copies home. One of the copies, which belonged to Zhussipbek Aimauytov, was preserved by local historian Ramazan Nurgaliyev and handed over to the Mussa Myrza Mosque in Bayanaul. The day when the madrasah burned was written in Latin on the front page of Quran. 

Copy of Quran belonging to Kazakh writer Zhussipbek Aimauytov handed over to museum in Pavlodar
Photo credit: Murat Ayagan/Kazinform

Zhussipbek Aimauytov was born on March 8, 1889, in Bayanaul uyezd of Semipalatinsk region. He was a Kazakh and Soviet public activist, multi-genre writer, founder of the Kazakh-language drama and novel, scholar, educator, teacher and psychologist. He was a member of Alash Party and People’s Government of Alash Orda. The writer was arrested on the charges of counterrevolutionary activity and was killed in Moscow on April 21, 1930 at the age of 41. He was buried in a mass grave of Vagankovo Cemetery together with other repressed activists. His creative heritage has long been prohibited for studying. On November 4, 1888, the Supreme Court of Kazakhstan fully rehabilitated the writer. 

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